Friday, November 16, 2007

Shame on Ubisoft... Assassin's Creed "squandered the immense potential of this pseudo-stealth action title"

The only thing missing from this review is the fact I haven't played the game yet. Look, I'm sorry. I just don't have the spare cash to go out and purchase a brand new xbox360.. Welcome to the poor life of the student.

Luckily, I have the advantage of the internet.. and the knowledge that countless internet nerds are determined to put as much video on the internet as is physically possible. But first let me point out a quote from IGN's review:

"Assassin's Creed could easily have been one of the best games of 2007. It is, without question, impressive on several fronts. But developer Ubisoft Montreal took some missteps along the way and squandered the immense potential of its pseudo-stealth action title."

...Wait, what? This game was supposed to be revolutionary to the video game industry! I was interested in this negative statement, because after watching all the previews I was as excited as a fourteen year old with a Victoria's Secret catalogue for this game to come out. So I did something I'm not proud of... I cheated and used youtube to watch the spoilers of the game. I'll try not to spoil the game for you, but I will point out some of the factors that have disappointed the video game community about this supposedly revolutionary title.

First of all, theres a HUGE...and I mean hulking, overshadows the entire plot of the game, blue light special huge plot twist that gets revealed literally before you even start to get into the game. You can find it here, but I leave that up to your discretion as to whether you watch it or not. It shows someone playing through the game and reveals the plot twist as if you were watching the game. Its actually an interesting concept, but its extremely disappointing that they wasted the opportunity to use this within the game.

The second problem appears to be the repetitive game play. I can't back this one up, because as far as I can tell, the controls look very innovative and although perhaps difficult to get a hang of, they give a lot of control over your character. However, the reviewers claim that each mission is essentially the same thing... hunt, kill, escape. I'm not sure if I agree with this, because the fight scenes look absolutely stunning and engaging with the environment (like the crowds of people and the ability to climb anywhere in the city) seems to be done extremely well.

Overall I think IGN may have overplayed their disappointment in their review, although I can't back that up until the university lowers tuition, or I get a better job.

1 comment:

Mr. A said...

I thought the same thing. Even if the game isn't fantastic, it's still doing something that no other game really has done before

This video just shows something funny you can do with ACreed