Monday, November 5, 2007

Faster.. Louder.. Better.. What does Guitar Hero truly offer the world?

...I remember the greatest achievement of my third year was that I could go potty by myself. Now you can go on youtube and watch diaper clad infants rock out to Poison on their PS2. What kind of phenomenon have we reached? Guitar Hero has virtually invaded the videogame market, selling over $110 million dollars in the first week of sales, and people's social lives are suffering as a result. What would happen if the world decided to put down their weapons and settled their differences by Guitar Hero duels? World peace, thats what!

Unfortunately, the world isn't that awesome. But for the privileged and indulgent masses with expendable incomes and loads of spare time, I believe that we are breeding the next evolution in the greatest and most captivating instrument of modern music history: the electric guitar.

Why should I suggest such a thing? After all, playing real guitar is drastically different from five coloured buttons, not to mention the importance of having a musical ear and understanding at least a shred of musical theory. There are no strings to press, no amps to play with and no electronics or acoustics to worry about. However, I think you only have to watch the video above to notice that at 3 years old, this kid is following in the footsteps of Poison. Presumably minus the heavy drugs and ferarri crashes.

No, what GH generates is interest in the instrument. Not every kid is going to go pick up a guitar because he's a whiz at guitar hero, but I guarantee you the next time he sees a real guitar, something inside him is going to say "I wonder..." and he's going to think about picking it up and trying to play a few notes. On top of this, they have guitar players like Yngwie (pronounced ing-vay) Malmsteen to admire. Someone will eventually have to top them.

So keep rocking boys and girls. You never know what you're capable of.

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