Monday, November 19, 2007

A Quick nod to useless video game media

Just a quick nod to a cool new article on IGN: the Top 100 Games of All Time is getting released as I type these words. Well, not exactly now, but the countdown has begun. Here's the criteria they used when selecting these games:
  • Eligible games had to have been released no later than December 31, 2006 (perspective is a good thing)
  • A number of factors were taken into consideration when selecting a winner: How good the game was compared to others of its time, its overall game design, how well it stands up over the years, how influential it has been in the realm of gaming and just plain how much fun we had playing it are all points for contention.
  • The list is comprised of single, stand-alone titles and doesn't include compilations, expansion packs or add-ons.
  • Titles with multiple editions such as collector's boxes, gold editions or direct re-releases have been consolidated into one single entry, with the edition deemed most deserving taking precedence.
  • Updated versions of original titles were only included on the list if they were significantly different from their predecessors.
Clearly they've thought about this. These guys (and indeed many gamers) really take their games seriously. Only the first 10 are out as of this post, but the cool thing is that they allow users to post their thoughts directly below IGN's write-up. How 'democratic' of them, no? Alright, I'm stretching, and it's late. Give me a break and enjoy the list. We're up to the top half of the list and theres some really good games on there. And yes, its got NHL94, don't worry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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